RAAF TELSTECHs Association Inc
perpetually lost
Visit the Veteran's Benefits Australia website and sign up for the free mailout.
Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Act
Visit the Veteran's Benefits Australia website and sign up for the free mailout.
Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets Act
Read information from Trev Benneworth about the Vietnam Medal...
Currently out of 559 TELSTECHS that we believe are still with us, the Association only has 279 email addresses (49.91%). We'd really like that to be higher so that we can inform all TELSTECHS about reunions, get-togethers, notices etc, and be able to put old mates in touch with each other again.
If you have had the same address and contact details for the past 30 years, all good, otherwise, please let us know what has changed and we will update the TELSTECHS database here. If you know of a TELSTECH, pass on our email and we would be delighted to add their details to the database.
No private details are disclosed or handed out for any reason. If you want to contact someone, send us an email and we will pass your details on.