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RAAF TELSTECHs Association

rainbow line

The Association's Purpose

The Purpose of the RAAF TELSTECHs Association is to bring together those people who served in the Royal Australian Air Force as Telecommunications Technicians (TELSTECHs) between 1953 and 1989. Our commitment is to hold reunions and get-togethers at regular intervals in different localities across Australia to encourage those in remote areas to hold reunions of their own with people from their own area.

The Association founder was Neil Hunter (retired), who handed over to the current President Nipper McGilvery in 2019. Our Patron is Group Captain Bob Scrivener, President is Nipper McGilvery, Treasurer is Tony Reeve. The TELSTECH database, webpages, and Secretarial duties are managed by Kiwi (Ian Mckee).

Annual subscription to the Association is $10.00, with the membership year being from 1 March to 28 February. Life membership is $100 and annual membership is $10. Funds will be used for the domain name registration and to fund reunions/general administration.

EFT Subscriptions may be sent to:

Name: RAAF TELSTECHs Association
BSB: 923 100
Acct: 314605014

The Internet and our site

Those who have paid for membership of the Association have ensured that the Association lives on, so thank you.