The Domain name and hosting company have changed to and GitHub
In the past it was possible to name a domain anything you wanted. Since then the standards people have stepped in and changed what you can apply for. Using the word 'RAAF' in your domain is a contravention ( Read The RAAF Telstechs Association Current Status and Future Challenges), so has been put on a list of domain names that cannot be renewed.The domain expires in Jan 2024. Also, our hosting company wants $200 a year to host this site. Using Github Pages, we have been able to host the site for free. Thank you Microsoft. All we pay is $22/year for the domain name, a substantial saving of membership funds.
However, to get a domain name ending in, we need to be an incorporated association. Therefore, the committee embarked on applying for an incorporated entity called Telstechs Association Inc. and this was granted on 21 April 2023. There was a one-off payment of less than $180
Holding the Association documentation, an application for the new domain name was successful. Hence you have landed on the new domain.
Nothing has changed, however the website will be upgraded as time permits with a better layout, and easier access to the content. Welcome to the 21st century.
Being a registered organisation we will now be eligible to apply for grants from Commonwealth/State Governments and Corporations that support non-profit associations. The goal is to assist the Association to be able to assist it's members.
The current members and life members will be able to benefit from the proceeds of the grants as they engage with the association. Get togethers are planned around the country with the recent one in Perth, a planned get together in Werribee in Feb 2024, and a Tasmanian TOAL (trip of a lifetime) late 2024/early 2025. This is on top of the Brisbane Reunions with The Djinnang Association held every May.
All this work is being accomplished in the background by the very small committee in an effort to benefit the members and keep the Association strong and healthy. So dust off those 'bucket lists', or indeed start writing one, and make sure you attend one of the many planned get togethers and reunions.